TheBanyanTree: An Experiment

Jim Miller jim at
Mon Dec 16 13:58:18 PST 2013

Tree Dweller,
Just as I have said, many of you have said that you should write more. I'm
sure that others are lurking, thinking, "MeToo."
I'm going to throw out an idea. Tell me what you think. Many of you will
recall the days at The Spoon when we tossed around the Hot Potato. (Start a
story, and pass it on to be added to by the next writer.) I would like to
try a variation.
I will write (anyone can) an opening paragraph to a story. You take that
opening paragraph and complete an entire story in 500 words or less.
Everyone will post on the same day, exactly 7 days after the opening
paragraph is posted. 
We should enjoy the creative story lines and different writing styles. If 5
or more members want to participate, I will set a start date and post an
opening paragraph on that day.

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