TheBanyanTree: Cloaks and Daggers

auntiesash auntiesash at
Thu Oct 25 09:30:14 PDT 2012


On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 5:05 AM, <smack58 at> wrote:

> Cloaks and Daggers
> ~by Sharon Mack ©2012
> Cloaks and daggers
> Vests and pocket watches
> With chains of platinum and gold
> Adorn my grandfather
> Of many years past
> His death a tragic one
> Set in a coffin of
> Silk and satin
> And blood
> With his sons to follow close behind.
> And I?
> The only female offspring of the family
> Was passed by for man after man
> Until now
> When all are dead in their graves.
> I stand alone in the night
> The full moon
> Flickering
> As it is passed over by the floating
> Cirrus clouds
> Allowing  the black of night
> And the occasional star to reach my gaze
> And pluck me from my reverie.
> The cloak I wear
> Made by my mother’s boney hand,
> The daggers from her uncle
> And the watch from her long lost brother
> Large and heavy in my breast pocket
> Of the red, red as blood
> Satin vest with diamond buttons.
> I deem myself ready for the hunt
> And breathe heavy and long
> The air cold and clear.
> It smells of the blood I seek
> And I move stealthily
> Through the city alleyways.

*" "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, *
*                                      but you do have some say in who
hurts you." ** *
*                    - The Fault in our Stars (John Green)*

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