TheBanyanTree: When I read

Russ Doden russ.doden at
Sat Feb 18 07:12:30 PST 2012

I had to smile at this Dave.   Why?  Because like a few others have
commented here, I've been there and done that!  I'm no "professional"
musician - I consider myself a noise maker.  I "play" at a few local
Renaissance Festivals with a semi-pro duo - and have for a lot more than a
couple years and have even been on a couple CD's with two different
groups.  At the events I "perform" at, people think this group is a trio -
in reality, I'm the third member of a duo.  They work year round, I do
maybe 6 weekends a year - pretty much all at one time.  I still start
getting "antsy" before each run of OKRF.  Each day, when the "opening
cannon" goes off and the assembled company of music makers kicks off the
day for the visitors, or when the group I play with starts a set, I doubt
my ability to be "on" and not make a mess of things for others.  Once we
get going though, I realize it isn't antsy, but excited - I'm having FUN
doing this.

I also work as an independent "Well Being Consultant" giving lectures,
workshops, presentations, classes, etc. to individuals, groups, and
organizations.  That means standing up in front of a group of people and
"winging it" for anywhere from 30 minutes to a full day (or more) at a
time.  I may have a set of notes to refer to so I don't go off topic too
often, but I've learned to trust myself.  Yeah, I use some of the
"theatrics" as a performer to connect with my audience, but if I don't come
across as being sincere, I won't get many more opportunities.

That is the biggest thing when you get up there.  Be sincere - read from
your heart, not your head!  People will overlook all kinds of "fluffs" like
stumbling over a word now and then, or mispronouncing something if they see
you are sincere.  If you aren't coming from your heart, you can be spot on
perfect in your presentation, and people will not be moved.

You are getting up there and reading - that is more than most people ever
do, so pat yourself on the back, hold your head up and read with excitement
and sincerity!

Russ Doden

Enjoy Life By Living In Joy

Well Being Consultant

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