TheBanyanTree: Floods

Peter Macinnis petermacinnis at
Thu Jan 13 18:19:27 PST 2011

On 14/01/2011 11:51, Tom Smith wrote:
> Roger?

Glub!  Glub!

Only joking.

The known Australians on this list are Anita in Melbourne, Roger in 
Canberra, the Woofess in Perth, me in Sydney and Pauline in Darwin. 
There may be others, but that's close to a full list.

I am the closest to the floods, and I think I'm about 600 miles away--it 
is a very long drive and most people do it over two days or use several 
drivers. Pauline is the one most likely to get foot-rot as they are in 
their wet season, but she is northwest of one flood and northeast of 

They are getting floods west of Anita, but no torrents.

Brisbane has bull sharks in the streets, which people can handle, and no 
crocs which is good (too far south), but there is a plague of 
politicians, all trying to look as though they aren't there to take 
advantage of the situation.  With luck, the bull sharks will get them, 
but I fear even bull sharks have to draw the line somewhere.



   _--|\     Peter Macinnis, science gossip and word herder
  /     \    coach, Australian formation pogo-stick team
  \.--._*<-- originator of the all-terrain penguin-drawn sled

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