TheBanyanTree: So many things

Peter Macinnis petermacinnis at
Thu Apr 7 16:03:49 PDT 2011

Looking back on a long life—
So many achievements,
But so much left undone:
The invention of blemishing cream;
That unpatented solar compass;
Potective wear for low-hanging fruit;
The pogo stick that goes on water;
A transmodal interlineator;
The combined hat and flea trap;
A Tortellini-to-English translator;
Vegetarian chicken soup;
An automated cabbage fulminator;
A reliable hypotenuse trimmer;
Dandelion gin;
A football demister;
Transparent socks for obsessive nelipots;
A robotic pomposity defenestrator;
A robust dephlogisticator;
The post-ballistic camel;
The pre-ordained vicar;
The horse-drawn bicycle;
The horse-drawn bicycle pump;
The granularity-chunking device;
The teabag anemometer;
A ketchup bombilator;
A less lewd-sounding term for futtocks;
A clockwork spooneriser;
The fire-proof umbrella;
The portable bridge with troll gates;
A working anapest filter;
A spatterdash for spiders;
A list of words stressed on the preantepenultimate;
A tool for culminating beans;
An aeolian pantechnicon;
A one-dimensional tesseract;
A spandrel inculcating box;
Ice cream soup;
A device for straining at gnats;
A reliable beater for paths in woods;
An infatuator for brown paper bags;

* * * * * *

"No worries," he said, turning over.
"I helped make a world
Where people believe such things exist."

   _--|\    Peter Macinnis       petermacinnis at
  /     \   Runner-up, Wallangumba submarine chess festival,
  \.--._*   unusually unreliable source on double negatives,

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