TheBanyanTree: TOC: The Other China

Woofie woofie at
Tue Nov 16 04:09:29 PST 2010

Pics here:

I have just spent 3 fantastic days visiting my niece, Carrie, and her
partner, Todd, in Dongguan. Dongguan is a rapidly expanding city in
Southern China. It gets its name from its most famous son, Long Dong
Juan, China's first porn star. Now, though, it is more famous for shoe
factories. Good shoes are mostly made of leather. Leather, as you know,
all comes from Brazil, which explains why 10,000 Brazilians live here.
Lots of other ex pats also live and work here - Poms, Canucks, Kiwis,
Orstralians etc.

All this ex pat pollution has changed the culture and character of this
Chinese city. Although there are the usual icons of a traditional
Chinese city such as McDonalds, KFC, WallyWorld (Walmart), Park n Shop
and 7Elevens, nightclub strips and massage parlours, the real heart of
this city is a Brit pub called "One for the Road".

Mine Host, Jason, runs an excellent hostelry. His one fault is a
propensity to incorrect spelling. However, you will be pleased to know
that I sorted out all his spelling mistakes on my first visit:) [It is a
pity that my boss, Kickboxer, is not as amenable or malleable in regards
to grammar and spelling correction, but one cannot win them all.]

Currently there are police everywhere in Dongguan marching in large
groups with their police batons tucked to their sides ( I do wish they
would leave their billy stick batons at home...they make a critter quite
nervous). They are making their presence known, not because they fear an
uprising and being overthrown by the inebriated denizens of One for the
Road, but because of the Asian Games. They are concerned, quite
understandably, of attacks by terrorists - though personally I think
drunken yobbo Aussies are more of a threat;)

The Asian Games have really locked down Dongguan - more so than the
Shanghai Expo it seems. There is a curfew in effect here and nightclubs
etc have to shut down at 2 am. If they don't shut down, they get a
polite little visit from the local constabulary to remind them, after
offering said enforcers "one for the road" that is.

The Woofess has had to consume an inordinate number of hairs of the dog
these last few days. After being on the wagon for the last month she has
been led seriously astray by her family. But, you know what they say
"you can choose your friends, but not your family". Nothing can be truer
in the Woofess' case. The Woofess, however, has been incredibly
fortunate in the  family members dealt out to her. All of them are
wonderful people and what is more amazing, all the partners of her
family members are equally wonderful people...and you find yourself just
clicking with them, like you have always known each other!!!:)

Folks..I have had so much fun this weekend with Todd and Carrie and
their friends, including Sir Les Patterson - trust me..he is alive and
well in Dongguan - maybe a story for another time - but now I need to
sleep off a weekend of Long Island ice teas, superb Chinese and
Vietnamese brews etc etc etc.....

Best regards,
  Woofie                          mailto:woofie at

"The one constant in life is absurdity" - Woofie - 30/4/02

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