TheBanyanTree: Re 1 down, 4 to go

TLW tlwagener at
Mon May 4 12:35:35 PDT 2009

I am amazed and delighted to report that yesterday I went to my FIRST
Ren Faire EVER!  In no small part -- probably 99%  -- because of posts
to this list.  My companion warned me that, based on his experience 20
years ago, it is "hot and dusty."  But it wasn't.  It was lovely and
fun and I spent almost $200 that I cannot afford.  I am not a gullible
person, but I do love to be swept up into theatre.  And it happens all
too rarely, these days.  I loved being called "Milady," and hearing
"Good sir" and such.  For the rest of the day -- and perhaps forever,
I was saying "This be good" and "This be Tha BEST!"

I bought a long skirt (like I have not eleventy million long skirts),
and a raffia sun hat (like I have not sun hats, too, but this be the
acme of sun hats) and I bought two purple ostrich feathers for my
companion and me.  I bought pork on a stick, and lemoade, and even a
root beer float, which isn't period, be seemed crucial, at the time.

We arrive at 4 and stayed till past closing.  The Faire folk were
good-humored, patient, and delightful.  I will go again.  And again.
And again. After all,  I have decades of non-Faire years to make up
for. . . .


 • .¸(¨`•.•´¨ )
astonishing handmade gifts

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