TheBanyanTree: Won't You Be My Neighbor?

NancyIee at NancyIee at
Mon Jun 8 04:54:58 PDT 2009

Sheesh, with neighbors like that . . . 
I think that's why I moved out of my posh neighborhood and went rural.  
Rural in the south is its own cultural challenge. I'm in the midst of  
renecksville. Someone is always  shooting, or training their hog dogs, or  slopping 
up and down the dirt roads in their muddy pickups.  Some mornings  I can 
hear the elephants, since when the city became a city, all the circus  people 
had to move out. Now they reside out here. The Great Wallendas, for  
instance, live less than a mile away, and on any weekend, and during the summer,  I 
can drive by and watch the family members, four or five generations of them, 
 on their practice high wire.
The young people, however, because they're rural, have a real work ethic,  
and one can actually hire a teenager to do a job, and they'll do it.  The  
city kids don't.  I work in a hydroponic far,. and there are half a dozen  
teens working there, after school and during vacations, and they work hard, 
show  up on time, and come back day after day.
A couple of the local high school here have a requirement of community work 
 for graduation. So, we get city kids asking for work. But, if they get 
hired,  they take longer and longer lunches, get "sick" a lot, and eat more 
than they  sell or sort.  The farm kids work like slaves, and ask when they 
want a  banana or  orange to snack on. I applaud the schools  to try to give  
kids some work experience, but I think the work ethic teaching should start 
long  before high school. What ever happened to kids' chores at home?
Sorry your neighbors are giving you such angst.  Mine vary between  working 
farm folk and richies expecting a country estate sort of life out  here.  
And the circus people, of course, and a few illegals, who are also  good 
workers, though we are no longer legally able to hire them.
Maybe one day, your neighbors will get busted, or do something to irritate  
the landlord enough to kick them out.  Hoping for a change next door . . .  
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