TheBanyanTree: Letter to the President

Tom Smith deserthiker2000 at
Fri Apr 17 10:20:26 PDT 2009

After reading the transcript of the Bill Moyers'
interview of William K. Black, sharing it with 
friends, I was motiviated to send a letter, email
actually, to President Obama.  Quite an easy
thing to do, and I feel better now.  

It went:

Subject: Policy Question

President Obama:

Please explain why you think you can rescue the economy by
rewarding mega white-collar banking crime with bailouts and
coverups and by being a criminal yourself by violating the
Prompt Corrective Action Law.  Criminal behavior caused and is
continuing our financial crisis.

I fear your environmental policy supporting the myth of "clean
coal,"  and your delusion of a military solution in Afghanistan
will also lead to disaster.  

These policies will fail on their own without any help from
Limbaugh.  Failure on these issues will lead to millions of
victims, in multiple generations, including your daughters'.   

Economic health is a prerequisite for environmental and
security solutions and is therefore most important.   Please
do the ethical thing and follow the law.


Thomas R. Smith

I'll keep you posted.


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