TheBanyanTree: Flower Moon 2008

Dale M. Parish parishdm at
Fri May 23 18:12:12 PDT 2008

Flower Moon 2008

Been a long, dry spell.  Finally dried up enough that I should have
been using the dozer to clean up all the horizontal trees Rita left us
when my brother called to say he was coming to get it if I wasn't
gonna be using it.  What could I say- we were going out of town.  So
he has the dozer for this three day weekend.

Ran into Al in Dunkin Donuts this afternoon-- he put in our septic
system and does the annual inspections on it.  He offered to loan me a
plow to plow in the aeration lines if I could pull it with the dozer.
Will have to work on getting all those trees up where I want to loose
that water.

We weren't going anyplace anyhow, but Cindy's brother, whom since our
wedding, we've seen only once at the Houston Livestock Show last year,
called to invite her over for Saturday, when his kids, whom I've never
met, will be down from the northwest.  So we're going over there to
visit Saturday, then spend the nite in Houston with some friends and
come back here to work Monday.  I think this is a sniff the
new-addition to the family gathering.  I'll bathe before we go.

Been a hecktic week- TJ called Tuesday nite from OKC-- haven't heard
from her in several months-- to tell me that Becky died.  Becky had
been in a funk for a year or two and we'd both tried to pry her out of
it.  TJ said that just last month, Becky seemed to come out of it on
her own, was the old, fun filled Becky.  She'd made amends with her
family, to whom she'd tried never to burden, and had called TJ to make
an appointment to do something together on Thursday.  Going to Becky's
funeral wasn't what TJ had in mind.

Seems that Becky had a secret side that she never shared with others.
She rescued people like some people rescue baby animals.  TJ says
they're coming out of the woodwork.  Somehow, you just know people
like that are like that at some level, but you never put your hand on
it while they're around.  So long, ole gal.

Things have been hecktic here in the computer department.  I was about
to the point of replacing this four year old laptop, when Cindy
decided that I needed to have an Apple MacBookPro like hers.  So she
bought me one, but I haven't figured out how to do anything with it
yet in the GUI.  I can get under the hood and poke around, but don't
know how to drive yet.  Scary thing is it has Winders on it too.  You
can switch back and forth at a keystroke from Mac to XP.  All my apps
are Winders, but I decided I was gonna try the Mac for a while.
Spooky till I learn how.

Armadillos have been rooting up Cindy's garden something fierce.
She's bought some stinky stuff, but it hasn't helped that I can tell.
If any of ya'll want a pet armadillo, let me know-- I'll have it ready
when you want to come by to pick it up.

Dale M. Parish
628 Parish Road
Orange TX 77632-8055
parishdm at

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