TheBanyanTree: trendy schmendy

Laura wolfljsh at
Thu Mar 6 14:41:24 PST 2008

On 6 Mar 2008 at 16:31, NancyIee at wrote:

> It's now like any other city. Glassy downtown with no parking and no book  
> store, outer malls that look the same here as in Indiana or Colorado or  
> Washington DC. There's no individuality. No flavor.  It's just another  Starbucks.

What is *wrong* with you people?  How DARE you rebel against the corporate and 
government push towards total equality?  Everyone should be the same.  Same cookie-
cutter houses, with the same moss green paint and boring décor.  Same WallyWorld 
clothes, same haircuts, same make-up and cologne.  Everyone should own the same car - 
you're allowed different colors, though.  Who says there's no freedom of choice?

George Bush knew what he was doing when he passed the "No Child Can Be Better Than 
Any Other Child" act.  We need to start training our children early that they should all 
demand equality, and be good little automatons.  After all, if one person is better at 
something than another, they might make the person who's not so good at it feel bad.  Or 
worse, they might make more money doing it than someone else, and that would be wrong.  
None of this "individualism" crap.

Heck, if I go someplace, I want the security of knowing I'm not going to have to deal with 
real people to get a cuppa coffee.  And what horror if the coffee is better than I can get at 
home!  I want my mega-coffee-chain store where I can go demand the same cuppa coffee I 
get at home, by golly, even if it is just average.  Independent book stores?  Unthinkable!  If 
we're not all fed the same eye pablum, we won't all think the same, and that could cause 

It's a gift the government and corporations are giving us, this homogenizing, unifying, and 
dumbing-down of the country.  

It makes us all equal.

Now shut up and say "Thank You" like a good little drone.

Resistance is futile.

wolfljsh at
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