TheBanyanTree: A Man Who Plants a Garden is a Very Happy Man

NancyIee at NancyIee at
Mon Jun 2 06:04:38 PDT 2008

In the upper midwest, I always had a huge veggie garden, at least an  acre.  
It was so productive, which was good since we were a larger family  with 
teenagers, and you all know how they eat.  We had enough zuccini for  the entire US 
army, and the kids would take then to school and sneak them into  the cars in 
the staff parking lot. I remember a call from the principal, "You  should 
talk to your son about the parking lot, I think he has been going into  cars and 
depositing zuccini.  The teachers are complaining . . . "
Down here in the deep South I gave up on gardening, except for those things  
that thrive in this humidity. The commercial growers have their secrets. They  
must, for the tomatoes and things I tried to grow got black and buggy from 
the  climate.  I did have good strawberries, until the sandhill cranes found  

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