TheBanyanTree: Obama Nation

Jim Miller jim at
Thu Aug 28 13:05:29 PDT 2008

Wow, here I go. Twice in one day. 

That was a bit of a nasty put down; don't you think Mike? Sort of out of
character for the gentle souls abiding here. I for one enjoyed the whimsy.


-----Original Message-----
From: thebanyantree-bounces at
[mailto:thebanyantree-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mike Pingleton
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 12:56 PM
To: thebanyantree at
Subject: Re: TheBanyanTree: Obama Nation

Kindly take note that this is a place for stories, not political
blather.  Did you not get the memo?  Is there a story in there
somewhere?  I detect a farcical dilemma, which obviously isn't a real
dilemma for you, but I don't see much else.  There are plenty of other
places more appropriate for political rants and raves.


On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 12:05 PM, John <spoonoid at> wrote:
> Spoonoids:
>    Now that we have a filled out ticket with a team of
> Obama-Biden, note how their names sound good together. It
> rolls off the tongue. BarackObamaJoeBiden almost sounds
> poetic. But I still have a problem with which Obama I should
> vote for.
>    Should I vote for the Cut-and-Run Obama? Now that we
> have won the war in Iraq, and liberated 27 million Iraqis
> from their thuggish dictatorship, and given them the
> opportunity to enjoy prosperity in a democratic society, I
> might be able to vote for the Cut-and-Run Obama. Cut-and-Run
> might have looked attractive a year or two ago when the war
> did not seem to be going very well, and we as a country would
> not have felt bad about throwing the people of Iraq under the
> al Qaeda bus.
>     Maybe now I could vote for the Raise-Your-Taxes Obama.
> Since it is clear that Big Oil is the source of all our
> problems, we should hit those businesses with windfall
> profits taxes. I would like to buy cheaper gasoline for my
> vehicles, so how else might we go about reducing the price?
> Econ 101 says we could decrease demand or increase supply. We
> could decrease demand by having fewer people who want to
> drive, so maybe we could reduce the population of the U.S. by
> ten percent. Nope, that would be too disruptive of our
> prosperity. I know, we could drill for oil in our own
> backyard and thus increase the supply without having to buy
> the stuff from the Middle East. But that's no good because it
> will take five years for the new oil to get through the
> system to the gas pumps. OK, then we should just raise taxes
> on the oil companies. Excellent idea! That should solve all
> our oil problems. And as I understand it, the oil companies
> are not the only ones whom Obama would like to raise the
> taxes of. Listen carefully to his convention speech when he
> will tell about the many plans he has to raise your taxes.
>     How about the Destroy-Your-Second-Amendment-Rights
> Obama? Barack favored the position of the mayor of Washington
> DC, who wanted to keep it illegal for anyone who lived in his
> city to own an operable handgun in his own home. If an armed
> criminal kicks in your door so he can steal your TV, or rape
> your daughter, you are not allowed to defend yourself or your
> child with a handgun. But you are allowed to calmly call the
> local police and wait for them to arrive and take care of the
> situation. Fortunately, the Supreme Court recently voted to
> uphold the validity of the Second Amendment to affirm the
> right of the individual to bear arms.
>     I might like to vote for the First-Black-Man-as-
> President Obama if I had a stomach for his socialist
> policies. We already had Bill Clinton, who claimed to be the
> First-Black-President, but he was really a white man who
> pretended to be concerned about the plight of Blacks. I have
> no problem with a Black President, but I do have a problem
> with Mr. Obama as president.
>     Could I vote for the Obama whose wife has never felt
> proud of her country, despite her wealthy life style among
> her powerful political connections at the pinnacle of the
> Democrat Party?
>    Despite his choice of Joe Biden as his running mate,
> and the mellifluous sound of their names together, Obama has
> too many policy problems to take over the presidency of the United States.
> Who is the alternative? McCain may have a Republican
> sticker on his limousine, but he looks more like a Democrat
> when compared to Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush41, or
> Bush43. McCain may not be the ideal candidate for president,
> but he is so much more qualified for the position, his
> opponent ought to appear ridiculous to most voters.
>  Don't forget to vote.
> Later, John.

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