TheBanyanTree: Obama Nation

John spoonoid at
Thu Aug 28 10:05:38 PDT 2008


    Now that we have a filled out ticket with a team of 
Obama-Biden, note how their names sound good together. It 
rolls off the tongue. BarackObamaJoeBiden almost sounds 
poetic. But I still have a problem with which Obama I should 
vote for. 
    Should I vote for the Cut-and-Run Obama? Now that we 
have won the war in Iraq, and liberated 27 million Iraqis 
from their thuggish dictatorship, and given them the 
opportunity to enjoy prosperity in a democratic society, I 
might be able to vote for the Cut-and-Run Obama. Cut-and-Run 
might have looked attractive a year or two ago when the war 
did not seem to be going very well, and we as a country would 
not have felt bad about throwing the people of Iraq under the 
al Qaeda bus. 
     Maybe now I could vote for the Raise-Your-Taxes Obama. 
Since it is clear that Big Oil is the source of all our 
problems, we should hit those businesses with windfall 
profits taxes. I would like to buy cheaper gasoline for my 
vehicles, so how else might we go about reducing the price? 
Econ 101 says we could decrease demand or increase supply. We 
could decrease demand by having fewer people who want to 
drive, so maybe we could reduce the population of the U.S. by 
ten percent. Nope, that would be too disruptive of our 
prosperity. I know, we could drill for oil in our own 
backyard and thus increase the supply without having to buy 
the stuff from the Middle East. But that's no good because it 
will take five years for the new oil to get through the 
system to the gas pumps. OK, then we should just raise taxes 
on the oil companies. Excellent idea! That should solve all 
our oil problems. And as I understand it, the oil companies 
are not the only ones whom Obama would like to raise the 
taxes of. Listen carefully to his convention speech when he 
will tell about the many plans he has to raise your taxes.
     How about the Destroy-Your-Second-Amendment-Rights 
Obama? Barack favored the position of the mayor of Washington 
DC, who wanted to keep it illegal for anyone who lived in his 
city to own an operable handgun in his own home. If an armed 
criminal kicks in your door so he can steal your TV, or rape 
your daughter, you are not allowed to defend yourself or your 
child with a handgun. But you are allowed to calmly call the 
local police and wait for them to arrive and take care of the 
situation. Fortunately, the Supreme Court recently voted to 
uphold the validity of the Second Amendment to affirm the 
right of the individual to bear arms.
     I might like to vote for the First-Black-Man-as-
President Obama if I had a stomach for his socialist 
policies. We already had Bill Clinton, who claimed to be the 
First-Black-President, but he was really a white man who 
pretended to be concerned about the plight of Blacks. I have 
no problem with a Black President, but I do have a problem 
with Mr. Obama as president.    
     Could I vote for the Obama whose wife has never felt 
proud of her country, despite her wealthy life style among 
her powerful political connections at the pinnacle of the 
Democrat Party?
    Despite his choice of Joe Biden as his running mate, 
and the mellifluous sound of their names together, Obama has 
too many policy problems to take over the presidency of the United States. 
Who is the alternative? McCain may have a Republican 
sticker on his limousine, but he looks more like a Democrat 
when compared to Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush41, or 
Bush43. McCain may not be the ideal candidate for president, 
but he is so much more qualified for the position, his 
opponent ought to appear ridiculous to most voters. 
 Don't forget to vote.

Later, John.  

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