TheBanyanTree: Happy Thanksgiving!

Margaret R. Kramer margaret.kramer at
Thu Nov 22 10:00:23 PST 2007

A coworker told me that he avoided going home to Milwaukee for the
Thanksgiving weekend, because the traffic was so crazy.  It wasn’t worth it
for him to drive eight hours when people were like maniacs on the freeway.

Well, I drove six measly miles home from work yesterday and I couldn’t
believe what I saw.  People cutting in.  People dodging out.  Tailgating.
Finger pointing.  Drivers going too slow.  Drivers going too fast.  And it
wasn’t even rush hour.  They let us off work early.

Gosh, it’s just Thanksgiving, people.  We’ll all get where we want to go.

Ray and I went out later to buy Christmas wreaths and as we drove over the
freeway, we saw that it was a parking lot.  It was nothing but a sea of red
brake lights.  I’m thankful that I live so close to work and go against rush
hour and rarely have to deal with it.

We’re in the midst of our first accumulating snowfall.  It’s not
accumulating much, but there is a little icing on the ground and a few
flakes flying through the air.  It’s as it should be for a Minnesota
Thanksgiving.  We’ve been so snow deprived these past few years, that I’m
thankful for this little joyful snowfall.

I got up early (5:00 am) and dutifully went to workout, so I’ve burned a few
of the many thousands of calories that are coming my way later this
afternoon.  There weren’t too many of us at the club, but I saw a few of the
regulars who work out with me during the early morning weekday hours.  Even
though I dislike my body, I’m thankful that’s it healthy and I’m able to
hang in there physically (and mentally!) with my grandsons.

Well, I could go on and on about the things I’m thankful for; my husband,
son, Susan, grandsons, dogs, cat, home, and job.  I am thankful for all
those things, so when I feel down and depressed, like when I’m thinking
about my body and realizing that no matter how much I work out it’s not
going to change that much, that’s when I think of how lucky I really am to
have the ability to go to a health club, and then I feel better.

NaNoWriMo word count = 42,628

Margaret R. Kramer
margaretkramer at
margaret.kramer at

Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple
life... a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the
seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year.
~Ray Stannard Baker

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