TheBanyanTree: It ain't so different

TL Wagener tlwagener at
Sat Nov 3 13:45:56 PDT 2007

Just as I offered up my examples of how kids DO, indeed, still play
and run and shout outside, I can also offer up evidence against the
exaggerated rumors about the death of trick-or-treating.  I gave away
three bags of candy Wednesday night to many costumed ghosts and
goblins who came to my door.  And this is in the middle of L.A., a
working class neighborhood.  I am happy to say.

Best moment:

I had my door open and screen door closed, with bright lights on in
the kitchen, where the goblins were expected.  My adorable funny-faced
mutt, Jasper, stood sentry, wagging his tail and barking at children
through the screen as they came by.

At one point, a group of five came by.  Jasper barked, and four out of
the five scampered up my steps and yelled "Trick or Treat!"  and then
"Hi, Mister Doggy!"  There was a princess, a football player, a
basketball player, and some store-bought costume I admit I didn't
really register.  I handed out lots of candy, they handed out
scratches and hugs to Jasper, and then went on their way.

They left behind the smallest child, about five years old, still
hesitating on the sidewalk.  i called out, "Aren't you going to trick
or treat me?"  He looked at me, then at Jasper, then at me again.

"It's all right, I assured him.  "He won't hurt you.  It's perfectly safe."

He answered worriedly:

"But... I'm a cat."


I howled with glee and ran out to him.  "Well of course you are!" I
cried.  He had the whiskers and tail and everything.

I dropped the whole remainder of that bag of candy into his plastic
pumpkin.  And then he turned and ran to catch up with his friends.


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