TheBanyanTree: Happy Camper

Laura wolfljsh at
Fri May 18 07:51:15 PDT 2007

I am a happy camper this morning.

I haven't been able to drink coffee since my last surgery, months ago.  It tasted nasty.  
Bitter, with a horrible aftertaste that nearly nauseated me.  I finally gave up on it after 
changing brands of coffee three or four times, and trying different combinations of creamers 
and sweeteners.  No go.  It all tasted bad.  It's sad, because I *love* coffee.

I told my Mom about it, and she laughed and said my Aunt calls that "chemobrain".  When 
she was having chemo, everything she used to love started tasting nasty.  I guess the 
combination of anesthesia and other oral medicines gave me the same problem.

For two weeks I've been craving coffee.  Every time I drive by a Starbucks, my arms try to 
turn into the parking lot.  I always manage to fight off the urge, because I remember how 
bitter and nasty it tastes, even though it smells like heaven.  Once an addict, always an 
addict, I guess.

This morning, I couldn't stand it anymore.  I had to try some coffee.  I figured once I got a 
mouthful of that nasty bitter taste, I'd be able to resist the temptation of that rich aroma no 
matter where I was.

I dug the vacuum sealed package of coffee grounds (you purists can just stop fussing right 
now; yes, I use pre-ground coffee) out of the freezer and prepared the pot, using just a little 
bit less coffee than I normally would.

Oh.  My.  Goodness.

It's delicious!!!

Whatever chemobrain I had has righted itself, and the coffee tastes as wonderful as it 

All is right with the world.

wolfljsh at
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