TheBanyanTree: A Bumper Sticker On My Mind

Tom Smith deserthiker2000 at
Sat Jun 9 13:45:59 PDT 2007

I have a passion at present for creating a bumper
sticker.. and wish I had the skills of a politcal
cartoonist or artist.  I want to convey through images 
a sense of priority..  To me 9/11 is a fender-bender, 
and Iraq a train wreck, compared to the consequences 
of Greenland's ice sliding into the ocean..  All I've 
come up with so far is a collage of half-submerged 
views of the Statue of Liberty, knee high in water, 
the crossed swords of Hussein's monument in Iraq in 
water up to crossing of the swords, and maybe a 
floating iceberg between the two.. if news coverage
and priorities were proportional, Paris Hilton is 
currently the most important person on Earth.  


Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

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