TheBanyanTree: Luck of the Irish

PJMoney pmon3694 at
Sat Mar 18 02:59:21 PST 2006

> I was by no means suggesting that Rob was a bogan who wouldn't know a
> dunny from a dunnart -- to use three probably entirely inexplicable
> Australianisms that I will leave the perplexed reader to Google :-)

Well you stumped me with the dunnart, Peter.  But, having Googled, I see why
you knew what they are and I didn't.

On the other hand I do know the pub at Collector.  We stopped there for
coffee on the way down to Canberra one afternoon last December when, having
spent the previous night on a red-eye flight from Darwin, even "Who Am I"
games could not keep the urge to sleep at bay.

The bar had room for about ten people jammed tightly.  It was run by at
least one Kiwi, and a very handsome Maori fellow he was too.  He made a very
good cappuccino and had posters about the place advertising an upcoming
hangi.  There must be a Maori community around there.  Who would have
thought it?

I do like the name, Collector.  We've driven past the turn off many times in
years gone by and I'm glad now to have seen it. 


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