TheBanyanTree: Blowfly

Pam North pam.north at
Sat Mar 18 11:37:37 PST 2006

 is the title of one of the latest Kay Scarpetta novels.  Evidently, these
are the flies that lay eggs on dead things and there is larvae and then it
gets grosser and grosser, but these things help aid coroners in telling the
time of death, blah, blah, blah....

So, here's what I want to know.  Are they, at any time in their existence,
little dark brown/black'ish, rice-shaped 'things''..???

My house has a two-car garage.  Before we bought it, somebody built a
laundry room off the kitchen, into the garage.  Consequently, there's a
large space bitten out of the garage floorplan, but there is extra storage
space underneath.

And this is where a poor gray cat came to die several weeks ago.

My friend Alan (finally!) came over last Sunday afternoon, searched around,
found the cat, and shoveled its poor dear, rotting body out.  Then he poured
Clorox all over the area and told me to leave it open, let it air, let the
'things' die off, etc.

Now.  A year or more ago (probably more!), I was given a couch and chair
set, and the old couch I'd had, and refinished, that had been worn out
again, went into the garage.  The plan was to take it to the dump
eventually, but, time goes by, and it's just sat out there, another space to
throw crap on, and something else to collect dust and grime.  Behind this
same couch, were wooden sliding slats (for storage space access) that were
closed, though others were open and off.

So, we had to pull the couch away from the wall, and we made a mess with all
the other stuff (shingles, insulation, rolls of screening and paint
cans).  I've been attempting to park my car around all this crap for a week!

Today was the day I was cleaning it all up.  My son Charlie was actually
home and it was daylight!  (Anything else I have to do today can be done
later.)  And so after the routine 'weekend
coffee save-the-world's-trouble-discussions' with my neighbor Adeline, I
went over to my friend Diane's and borrowed her truck, and her son Zach.
Then the boys and I (okay!  I mostly watched!), loaded the couch, an old
bike-exerciser-thing that was given to my daughter Molly that she's never
used even ONCE, paint cans, insulation and old flooring, along with a bunch
more 'stuff', and made a dump run!!!!

When I got home, I swept out under the laundry room since it was dry and
non-too-smelly.  And I swept up a billion little rice-shaped dark
brown/blackish 'things'.....  and I killed two really big flies!  Slow
moving flies, at that!

Were these my own personal science lesson?!

It was gross.  Dusty, buggy, and oh yeah, with some mouse turds thrown in
for good measure!!!  I wore rubber gloves and held my breath most of the

But now, the garage is cleaned up again!  Everything left is (mostly!) in
its place, and I have loads of room to park my car!!!!!  :)

There.  The story of 'How I Spent My Saturday Morning'.

The End.


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