TheBanyanTree: New to Me

Maria Gibson mgibson7 at
Wed Mar 1 14:18:48 PST 2006

By the time I'd met Joannie, I'd forgotten.  You told me so long ago and 
in nothing more than a passing comment, really, that when I was faced 
with your ex it escaped my mind that the two of you used to be an item.  
I wasn't particularly impressed but didn't really pay attention to the 
moment the way I'm not paying attention to the memory.

I don't feel jealousy but I definitely have a different view post 
information.  I have questions dealing with satisfaction and who was 
better at it but it isn't anything I really want to know or would even 
ask.  Still, there is no denying the wondering about it.  This has never 
happened to me before.  As far as life experiences go, it is pretty 
interesting.  I'm glad it happened.


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