TheBanyanTree: Rain Walk
Russ Doden
Russ at
Tue Jul 11 07:03:04 PDT 2006
In this part of the country, it has been a dry spring and summer.
Lakes have been low, and many farmers and gardeners are seeing
poor returns for their efforts. Where usually I am being buried under
offerings of squash, tomatoes, zucchini, and other vegetables, I am
getting very little this year because there isn't enough to share with
friends - there isn't even enough in many cases for families to freeze
or can for the rest of the year.
Last night it rained here. We have had so little rain and when it does
come, it comes in torrents and most runs off. The first wave of last
nights rain came through about 4ish and was in full swing when I left
the office. I walked to the car from the office slowly, feeling the rain
on my face. A warm summer rain. I needed to go to the grocery
store and instead of crowding up close to the door as everyone else
was doing I parked out in the middle of the lot and walked in - again
slowly. Those huddled under the small awning along the front of the
store looked at me like I was a simpleton. I don't blame them. I was
walking in the rain, slowly, and smiling very big. It felt so good to feel
the rain.
That wave didn't last all that long but it was so welcome. The
weather said we may or may not have more in the evening but
implied that we most likely had seen our rain. Shows what they
know. I could feel more was coming.
The walk in the rain at the grocery store had put my head in a
different place. I found myself . . . expanding in some way I guess
you could say. Thinking of what my purpose is, which has been on
my mind much the last 2 or 3 weeks anyhow. Thinking of people
that mean much to me. Thinking of . . . connections. Connections of
all kinds.
As the evening wore on, I continued with my thoughts and thought I
heard distant thunder again. I went outside and it was warm and
humid. I could feel rain coming so checked the TV. Another wave
was on the way! I changed into a pair of shorts and a pull over shirt I
had made, and pulled on my sandals and waited. Soon it started to
sprinkle. I have learned that sometimes a sprinkle is all that we get
so I set out on my walk. The loop I walk around my condo complex
isn't long, maybe only .8 mile, but it is a good loop. At 9 p.m. there
isn't hardly anyone out on a nice evening. When it is sprinkling,
everyone is inside. As I set out, the sprinkles got a bit heavier,
turning to a light rain. It felt so wonderful to walk and feel the rain
and just . . . absorb it.
As I continued the walk the rain started to come down in a real rain
storm. By the time I was half way through my walk, and I was
walking slowly, I was soaked to the skin. As the walk continued, I
thought of many things. I thought of several summers ago, working
with a fellow seeker at her medicine wheel, calling in the thunder
beings and how it felt to work such medicine - having lightening
strikes all around us, most between .25 and .5 miles away but some
closer. I thought of my many connections. I asked for answers to
what my purpose is, or at least for some signs I could understand. I
remembered once again something one of my teachers told me -
that sometime I would be struck by lightening. I don't know if she
was speaking metaphorically, or literally. I know that ever since
working with the thunder beings, I welcome them. I thought about
what this may mean to me if it is a literal prediction. I don't know
which one I hope it will be - literal or metaphorical.
It took me about 25 minutes to walk the loop. Like I said, I was
walking slowly, listening to the rain, hearing it in the trees, hearing it
rush and gurgle over all the covered ground - ground that will not feel
rain because of housing and pavement keeping it from ever again
feeling rain. By the time I got back to my condo, the rain was coming
down very heavily. I stood outside my door, hesitant to go in. I
stood there, in a puddle of flowing water on a sidewalk, feeling water
flow around my feet, feeling water land on my body and flow off. I
felt clean and filled.
When I went in, and peeled off my saturated clothes, I couldn't help
but think that I had been given a great gift. After drying off I sat in
meditation for a while, feeling the memory of being washed by the
rain. Last night I remembered what it means to be in touch with
nature and how disconnected we are most of the time.
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