TheBanyanTree: Politics and the Tree

Sachet sachet at
Sun Dec 31 13:21:35 PST 2006

Ah, but see RJ, you are able to state your opinion in a reasonable 
manner using "rational dialogue".

 We are a writing list, with guidelines, not a society or a country. The 
moderators are here to maintain those guidelines for the wellbeing of 

Some Tree members preface their possibly controversial posts with a 
warning. That gives the reader fair warning that the writer is aware 
that other members may disagree or may not wish to read the post. That 
is a fair compromise where the writing skill of a member may still be 
enjoyed, but the reader is not subjected to a surprise rant.

Main Entry: 1rant
Pronunciation: 'rant
Function: verb
Etymology: obsolete Dutch ranten, randen
intransitive verb
1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner
2 : to scold vehemently
transitive verb : to utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion

Ranting and writing do differ. Again, respect is the key word.


R J Fernalld wrote:

>I think that Margrgret has spoken well, with grace and articlately on every occsion. Just because one does or does not agree with her point of view, they and she should not be censored. If they are, the true life of any tree dies, for there is no true blood flowing through it. Assuming that we all are adults, we can champion each other's rights and abilities to agree, disagree, agree to disagree....can we not?
>If not, we are not spreading our wings and growing as writers, we are being put into a narrow box and not allowed to speak.
>RJ Fernalld

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