TheBanyanTree: Exciting news......

Sharon Mack smack58 at
Sat Apr 22 10:58:53 PDT 2006

Hi all!


I want to share some exciting news.  I received the following in the mail


Dear Sharon:


Thank you for thinking of me with your project; I am interested in reading a
complete manuscript with a synopsis to use as a reference.  Due to the time
it takes to read a manuscript, I will read them on an exclusive basis only.


Hope to hear from you soon.


Warmest regards,


Mary Sue Seymour

The Seymour Agnecy Canton, NY

WGA, AAR, Author's Guild, RWA


I can barely contain myself...this is for "Jacks' or Better to Open, Trips
to Win."


Can you guys hear me screaming.....!!  (lol)




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