TheBanyanTree: Update: PixelCat (WARNING - gross medical stuff)

Laura wolfljsh at
Tue Mar 1 16:12:13 PST 2005

On 28 Feb 2005 , Laura made this statement:

> PixelCat has decided he doesn't like any of the new rugs or carpets. 

Good/Bad news!

The bad news is, PixelCat has a severe bladder infection.

The good news is, PixelCat has a severe bladder infection!

Rather than just give up on the old feller, I took him to the vet to see 
if there was some magic medicine to make him go back to normal. (Thank 
you OGP!!!!)  We couldn't express his bladder, and the vet and I both 
tried to put a catheter in.  His urethra was so swollen it was a wonder 
he could pee at all.  We ended up having to do a cystocentesis, which is 
basically poking through his belly into his bladder with a needle, and 
extracting some urine with a syringe.  After the tests were done, it was 
more than obvious that the poor kitty has been suffering for a couple of 

I feel terrible that it never occurred to me that he might be sick.  It 
was just too coincidental that it should happen just when we got all this 
new carpet.  It never dawned on me that stress can reduce a cat's 
immunity, as well as changing his behavior.  Poor ol' fella!  

But thanks to our wonderful, empathetic, darling Old Grey Poet, my 
PixelCat will be back to normal very soon.  He's got about a week of 
medicine to take, but after just a few days he should be able to get out 
of the dreaded crate and wander around the house as normal.

I'm sorry he's sick, but I'm *so* glad he's SICK!  If ya' know whut I 


wolfljsh at

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