TheBanyanTree: A Cold Rainy Day

Sharon Mack SMACK at
Wed Jan 12 08:19:57 PST 2005

Yesterday I went to a meeting that I thought was being held to help me
help the organization that I worked for.  Little did I know that it was
to be an ambush.  Thankfully, I had taken my assistant (and friend) with
me.  I felt that if a new procedure was to be discussed it would be good
for her to hear it first hand.  I wasn't even allowed to finish
introducing her.

I stuck with the meeting for one reason and one reason alone.  I
assumed that they must have misunderstood my email requesting
clarification on the procedure they wanted us to use when dealing with
them.  That did not pan out.  Not once was I able to complete a
sentence, a thought nor an answer to a question that THEY asked.  It was
a horror show.  When I realized that I was beating a dead horse I sat
quietly for a moment while the main character finished ranting at me and
then I tried to make a suggestion that would perhaps help us all. 
Before I could even finish, the big beesh (who was doing all the nasty
talking and yelling) rolled his eyes and alluded to the fact that I was
making more work for request??  Was to have them cc any
emails to me that they sent to our organization's members.  That way I
could better track FOR them and perhaps be a help to them.

I retracted my suggestion....(not my job anyway)

I stood up and motioned my assistant to do the same...

but before I left I had to say to him (the nasty man) that I did not
understand why he had to be so mean, unkind and rude.

Then I left and went to my office and cried....but not until I had
informed my boss....and his!

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