TheBanyanTree: Fwd: Re: Change of Meds

Tobie Shapiro tobie at
Fri Dec 2 08:22:39 PST 2005

December 2, 2000005

Dear Tree of Life,

	Remember Change of Meds?  I talked about my son, Meyshe, 
going through a suicidal phase, changing the medication he takes and 
the transformation in him, which was illustrated with an essay on 
Thanksgiving that he called, "Happiness".   Well, I got a few 
responses to his essay, and one of them, with the permission of the 
author, was forwarded to Meyshe so that he could see how he has an 
impact on people.  He is therefore NOT impotent to affect the world. 
It did him good, and he sent me the following message:
>November 30th, 2005
>Dear Mother,
>I feel touched by that woman's words!  Can you please send me some 
>more comments from other people about my essay?  I'd really 
>appreciate it, Mama!
	Could I ask a favour?  Could anyone who was moved by Meyshe's 
essay please write to me.  Send comments so that I can help heal my 
boy.  This would do so much for his self-esteem, for his vision of 
life, for his fortitude in facing a world that often doesn't 
understand him, and frequently frightens him.  I am posting his essay 
again so that you can see it.   It is below.  I thank you for all 
your comments and your hearts and concern.  I really thank you.  This 
is so important.



	What am I thankful for?  Well, I am satisfied that I have a 
personality which is loving, a sense of justice, selfless, and very 
intelligent.  I am an Artist, Musician, and a Writer.  I have a 
family that cares for me; friends to help me; and living in the San 
Francisco Bay Area.  I want to be an advocate for social and 
environmental justice.  I have a good sense of humor.  I have several 
interests!  I have so much knowledge.  I'm not macho!  I'm happy 
about the fact that so many universities, libraries, museums, and 
other places that are open to me, waiting for me to come to them. 
So, when I go to college, I'd choose the Arts, Geography, History, 
Anthropology, and Languages e.g. Latin, Greek, German, French, 
Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Hebrew, Arabic, 
and Scandinavian, and Ecology.

	I'm also grateful that people of all ages, races, cultural, 
ethnic, and political background, sexual orientation, religion, and 
all others live here in close harmony.  Who knows?  Maybe I can share 
my knowledge to the next generation and make a difference.  Oh, if 
only I can help the United States and the World right now?!  I love 
the Earth!  That's what I'm thankful for:  For the whole Earth and 
Humanity!  Why should I compare myself to others?  Why can't we all 
be thankful that we're here on the planet?!!


	And I hope I haven't annoyed anyone.


	and thanksgiving,



Tobie Helene Shapiro
Berkeley, California   USA

tobie at

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