TheBanyanTree: hurricanes by & by

Sachet sachet at
Tue Sep 7 09:19:51 PDT 2004

We've lived here for 21 years next month and this is by far the worst 
hurricane season we have ever experienced. Andrew's effects on this coast 
were trifling in comparison to how our area has been hit this year. I am 
finding that it has emotional and psychological ramifications that I hadn't 
considered. We are so insulated within our high tech worlds and nature is 
tolerated or embraced as we so choose, according to where we live.

I didn't realize how much I simply took for granted to such a deep 
degree! It's not a focus on the material aspects of life and not being 
able to live without TV, microwaves, etc. I can do that and I know it, 
so it's not those surface considerations.

It's the knowledge that my physical world as I knew it is not quite what 
I assumed. It's unsettling. Not worrisome per se. Just unsettling as I 
ponder it all and rearrange my thoughts, feelings and expectations about 
living life on a day to day basis in the land where hurricanes have been
visiting on a regular basis of late.

It's dealing with the unknown, a force of nature that I can't control, that 
can't be precisely predicted and just "is". 

I woke up yesterday morning thrilled to have power because it meant we didn't 
have to be entrenched & overwhelmed in the insufferable heat and 
humidity, and that our home was undamaged. Then I blinked and switched to 
sending prayers of empathy and feeling such sorrow for those all over the state who are 
without power or homes today. After a bit, as I considered that since it 
was safe to drive once again, then we needed to go to the store and buy 
groceries for the week. Which is frustrating unto itself, because these 
blasted hurricanes are taking a serious toll on our budget. Two weeks worth 
of grocery money is easily absorbed into one week of buying extra water 
and other hurricane supplies, because now that we've been through Charley and 
there was no power for several days, I can't buy trifling hurricane 
supplies intended to pacify the slight possibility of being without 
power, as I have in previous years. Nope, now stocking up is serious 
business and it's rather expensive on a regular basis. And we can't stock up
on too many perishable items because storms keep rolling in, and power is not
a given.

And underlying the frustration of budgetary concerns is the reality that 
it won't mean diddly a year from now. Whereas rebuilding a home, 
salvaging a life, picking up the pieces of a life strewn all over the 
neighborhood is what I could be facing.

Unsettling, yep.

A friend sent this in an email earlier today.

> Thank God you are all alright and safe!
> And I am watching the weather showing another one headed for Cuba. I 
> don't know how they name these things, but sooner of later the 
> temptation must be strong to name one "Sumbitch!"

I love this! 'Twould be perfect! I wish they would!


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