TheBanyanTree: Heartbroken Hound Dawg

B Drummond red_clay at
Wed Mar 17 04:30:46 PST 2004

The VoofPup is a wanted "man".   

A gal dawg, a terrier just about his size, in fact, has decided that 
she is going to roam our neighborhood until she drives my VoofPup 
insane.  She is well on her way to doin' it, too.  He's acting like a 
racehorse in the blocks,  ready to bolt out like a bullet from a gun, 
and put it on Miss Gal Dawg.

She comes up in the yard and whimpers and the VoofPup can hear it 
through closed doors and walls.  He whimpers, wails, barks and 
paces back adn forth in his cage.   She whimpers some more and 
then leaves a scent pool in the yard.  "Just wanted to let you know 
that I think you're sexy," she says. "And, oh,  by the way, I'll be 
back later."

Problem is she came around last night and backed that thang up to 
the VoofPup and he, being 100 per cent dawg, lost his mind for a 
moment and commenced to jackhammering her nether parts.  

She didn't object one little iota.   No snarls, no bites, not even one 
"Just leave me the heck alone."

Once I realized what was happening I pulled the VoofPup loose by his 
leash.  I can't have the dawgs shacking up in the front yard like that. 
What would the neighbors think?

And speaking of neighbors, where is the delinquent owner of said gal 
dawg?   We have a lease law in this county and that gal dawg is not 
supposed to be sans her leash.  Now she has the entire dawg 
neighborhood network in a tizzy, including my poor VoofPup, who's 
suffering from the "Satisfaction (I Cain't Get No) " blues as bad as 
I have ever seen a creature suffer 'em.  Dogs bark at all times in the 
night and carry on like there's no tomorrow around here since she's out 
and about.

It's a sad, sad thing to see your buddy a sufferin' from the lovesick 
blues,  him knowing that a moon-eyed gal dawg with that "Come on out, 
big Boy, and I'll show you something that you're just gonna' love!" 
attitude is roaming the neighborhood and whimpering from time to time 
just outside the door.

It makes for a long night for both man and beast.


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