TheBanyanTree: Re: That Dern Paul!

Sharon Mack SMACK at
Thu Jun 3 05:36:24 PDT 2004

Since I am relitively new, I don't even remember anything she ever
wrote.....guess I didn't miss much.

>>> Roger Pye <pyewood at> 6/2/2004 6:10:20 PM >>>
Perhaps the true reason lies with Beverly Terhune Haaf herself, with
expectations of what a story-telling group should be writing, and the 
discovery that The Tree does not fit into that or any other mould. Emu

Paul is, naturally, the public face of the Banyan Tree. He and our
moderators wisely and carefully nurture the Tree by not imposing 
arbitrary standards on what should be written or what form it should

The simplest answer is to let her go with a fond 'Farewell'.


trebro at wrote:

>That Dern Paul!
>Setting up a list for people to tell stories, then going off and
expecting he has the ability to tell a story, too!
>The nerve of some people.
>Moderators, oh Moderators, I have a question:
>Is it usual for people to tell you WHY they're unsubscribing?  Are
they all as intesting as this one was?
>Enquiring minds want to know if Paul is always "the reason"!




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