TheBanyanTree: A darn silly question

JMoney PJMoney at
Mon Oct 20 17:28:48 PDT 2003

John wrote:
>> the whole exercise seems to demonstrate nothing
more than the heart-warming fact that people will say almost anything when
asked a silly question. And, to me, 'What is your favourite novel of all
time?' is a darn silly question.<<

Nevertheless, I will answer it.  "Paddy Clark.  Ha Ha."  By someone
McDowell.  I keep thinking Roddy but I can't believe that's it.  Same fellow
who wrote, "The Commitments," that was made into a really good movie with a
great soundtrack.

Oh.  Paddy Clark is a wonderful book.  I remember reading "Siddhartha"
(however it's spelled).  What drudgery - right up until the very last page.
And then, on the very last page, it all came together and I was astonished.
But Paddy Clark started coming together early and when I'd finished it I
couldn't stop thinking about it for days - weeks even.  And now, if anyone
asks, "What's the best novel you've ever read?" I have no hesitation in


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