TheBanyanTree: Olympus

R J Fernalld srfern at
Sat Oct 18 05:08:34 PDT 2003

We climbed the depths of Olympus
and gods old, new, ancient and young
knew and cared nothing of our sacrifice
only that we came empty handed.
Young, empty of philosophy
we cried out to the oceans and sang
the whale song of doubt, empty of hope.
It was all for naught, for the huckster heard.
His gods give no respite to psalmists
and his fishers of men gave only orders
to obey...Our sacrifice of heart no
longer required, we ceased clinging to
erupting volcanoes of brimstone.
We fled the storm, for Olympus
gave nothing... nothing but rebuke
that we should be so insolent as to cease
chopping ourselves up for their fire.
We came trusting and free flowing
and became beggardly and frail
admiring false nails they held up as true.
The little we had they burned on the altar
and they lusted for more and bled our faith.
We ran, we fled the flood of betrayal
and having climbed the depths of Olympus
are now wiser, poorer, raw and weary...
but no longer empty handed.
 copyright R J Fernalld 2003
I am sorry if this posts more than once...have been experiencing a difficult
time posting to The Banyan Tree of late 


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