TheBanyanTree: Re: It's all a game

Tom Smith deserthiker2000 at
Fri Jul 4 20:10:04 PDT 2003

> interested to know if other people have applied "game theory" in 
> their working lives...

Your story got the game concept kicking around in my head too, Anita. 
There was a period in my work where we received training related to
"game theory," I suppose -we were encouraged in the direction of
"team behavior."  It worked for me in terms of generating enthusiasm. 
I liked the feeling of being part of a team and contributing toward a
group goal.

"Games" in an interesting subject.  Games have defined goals and
competition and rules, and their general purpose is amusement.  

It was exciting and worthwhile to think about my own goals in life,
what I'd like to "score."  I'd like to be happy, free of anger or
fear, and just experience and behold this miracle in a universe of
miracles, life.  Competition-wise, everybody can be a "winner."  The
more winners the better.  To me, the Laws of Nature are the ultimate
rules and I'm interested in learning what they are.  

Some game, this!  DEFINITELY amusing.. 

"In battle or business, whatever the game,
 In law or in love, it is ever the same;
 In the struggle for power, or the scramble for pelf,
 Let this be your motto--rely on yourself!
 for, whether the prize be a ribbon or throne,
 The victor is he who can go it alone."
   -The Game of Life , st 7, 
    by John Godfrey Saxe  1816-1887

deserthiker2000 at

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