TheBanyanTree: Possibilities....

Sachet sachet at
Wed Jul 9 18:41:13 PDT 2003

it was just too easy and it honestly didn't seem real. Fill out the 
questionnaire, without lies and yet remember to keep private information 
securely hidden. She looked upon it as a game of sorts, no one could get 
hurt, she could stay safe, and it would be a focus for her pain, until 
she learned how to heal. It was to be a surreal dream, just out of 
reach, but close enough to tether her ricocheting emotions.

Her first personal ad online or anywhere for that matter.

It had to reflect both who she was and wanted yet to be.....

It shouldn't be too blatant...... subtly was a must.

"I would like....... time with a man who knows how to savor a 
relationship. Who understands the subtle intoxication of anticipation. 
One who wants to see past the facade I wear, into my soul. If I ask you 
to think of a candle, can you envision my finger playfully dancing in 
and out of the flame, as we talk, and would you understand when I dip my 
finger into the melting wax?

If I sent you a Tootsie Pop would you smile as you placed it in your mouth?

Would you know why I love to swim, and what that conveys about my body 
and my expectations of yours?

Would we need a word we'd both know was safe and ours alone?

Tell me your thoughts about each question.........but of course..... 
only if you wish. have some questions of your own for me as well?"

She sent it off with a sigh, feeling a bit sad, and yet a tad excited 
too. Who knew what kind of replies would arrive into her mailbox?

A few days passed and the replies starting coming in. Several from the 
eternally juvenile, asking her bra and panty sizes, which she ignored 
with a disgusted roll of her eyes. One from an obviously obtuse man who 
missed the whole point of her carefully worded entry and wanted to meet 
for drinks asap. But, there were some from men who took the time to 
seriously reply to each question, and those she did take the time to 
read. Wistfully, because none saw the multifaceted possibilities behind 
each question. She politely replied to all of them, and thanked them for 
their interest, gently declining further contact. On the last day of her 
ad though..... he wrote to her, replying to only one question, which was 
a bit bewildering. Until.....the next day she found another reply, to 
her second question. Each day he sent one more answer, never at the same 
time of day or night, so she never knew when to expect it, but an email 
was always there...waiting for her to read.

He told her why he thought she liked to play with the candle flame, and 
he suggested he might know of other places where she might enjoy the 
feel of hot melted wax. He actually counted exactly how many licks it 
took to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop and contemplated exactly how 
many licks it might take for other things, and why taking turns was only 
fair, as well as fine & delectable.
He wrote of cool blue water, and what it felt like to feel his body 
slicing past its gentle resistance, meeting the demands he placed upon 
it, tireless repetition, mindless satisfaction, firm muscles contracting 
and relaxing. He described the quiet pleasures of his waterworld; the 
muted sounds of splashing, the vibrant colors of the hot golden sun, the 
vastness of the blue sky, the verdant green of surrounding trees. She 
held her breath when she read his reply to her last question. For a word 
to be safe, there had to be trust, and he would like the time to build 
that gift of trust with her. If he provided a way for her to obtain a 
post office box, would she use it to accept small things from him? 
Tactile mail, on real paper, with other small surprises along the way. 
Anonymous and safely located in a large post office; he would know only 
the address she gave him, and she would have the only key.

Tentatively, but impressed by the way he perceived her hesitancy and 
addressed each concern, she said yes. The next day, two emails arrived. 
The first one included all the information needed to order a post office 
box at her choice of several post offices he listed. They both knew the 
other lived within 50 miles of the city, since that was listed in the 
online information. Next, a Paypal notification arrived, letting her 
know that she had received the exact amount needed to pay for one full 
year of post office box fees. He had indeed thought of everything to 
make it easy and totally irresistible.....


if you wish....


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