TheBanyanTree: Monkey Testy Octo-Pie

Mike Pingleton pingleto at
Tue Apr 1 06:05:19 PST 2003

	I'd like to be
	under the Tree
	with an ellyphunt named Herman
	in the shade

	the tales we'd tell
	as darkness fell
	with an ellyphunt named Herman

	all our friends would come and see
	an ellyphunt named Herman (and me)

	the fat we'd chew
	throwing back a few
	in our little hideaway
	beneath the leaves

	with all our pals
	Tree guys and gals
	while Fred and Ethel waddle

	we will dance and sing aloud
	chasing away those thunderclouds

	the First of Ape
	calls for a jape
	from a twiglet-swinging Monkey
	marmalade (?)

	I'd like to be 
	under the Tree
	with an ellyphunt named Herman
	in the shade.

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